Posts Tagged ‘foley’

Final Mix & Submission

Posted: May 1, 2012 by Alan Hardcastle in CMP 10_12
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Outcomes for Week 14

5. Be able to review own creative development

5.1 Evaluate their success in applying sound design skills to the chosen discipline 

14: W/C 30/4/12

Final Submission

  • Video File with Mix
  • Blog
  • Evaluation

Blog Tasks

o   Evaluate the final mix

o   Evaluate skills you have developed

o   Evaluate the strengths of the final piece

o   Evaluate the weakness of the final piece

o   How effective is the final version?

o   How effective have you been at applying skills?

o   How can the work be improved?

All work to be submitted by 4.30 on 1st May 2012


Workshop 3 – Foley

Posted: March 6, 2012 by Alan Hardcastle in CMP 10_12
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Foley is the act of replacing sounds generated by human movement in a moving image production.

Here are a few videos to explore the art of foley –

The Foley Artist: LA Times

Bear Left TV Foley examples

LOTR TT Sound Design

As you can see, it is about listeiening to sounds and matching them up to movements on the screen. The listening is essential, as what creates the sound in the studio is not the same as what we see on the screen.

In class we will work with footsteps and clothing sounds – this is the mainstay of the foley artist. However, I excpect you to explore sounds for your own sound designs – and rememebr to make notes of what you find!

8: W/C 5/3/12

 Foley Session –

  • Purpose of Foley
  • Clothing movement
  • Footsteps
  • Weapon actions

Blog Tasks

After today’s sesison, please update your blog based on the following themes:

o   What is Foley 

o   When is it used? 

o   Why is it used? 

o   How is it done? 

o   What skills are needed?

o   What equipment is needed?

o   What are the strengths?

o   What are the weaknesses?

o   How can you use this in your design?

o   How successful was your practical task?

o   How has your design changed?